How to Extending your lock staking duration

Changed your mind during the lock staking duration? No problem. You can always extend the time of your locked VAN by simply clicking "Extend" and choose how much time you want to add on top of the initial lock duration. Remember, the longer you lock, the higher your yield will be boosted. The maximum locking duration is 52 weeks.

A user's new extended lock duration = initial lock duration + added duration


A user staked 112,642.99 VAN in fixed-term staking with an initial lock duration of 1 week on 31th AUGUST 2022, and few hours later, the user decided to add 5 weeks to his lock duration.

1. Navigate to the Van Pool and click Extend.

2. Select the duration you would like to add (5 weeks in this example). Note that your new lock duration will equal your initial lock duration of 1 week plus the added 5 weeks for a new lock duration of 6 weeks.

3. Double-check to make sure you are okay with the new extended lock duration and click Confirm.

Please note that you can not shorten the locking period nor withdraw your VAN prematurely.

Adding more VAN to your lock

You can easily do that by renewing your fixed-term staking position. Simply click "Add VAN" and choose how much VAN you want to deposit.

Please note that adding more VAN to an existing lock resets your staking term based on the remaining lock duration, essentially “renewing” your fixed-term staking position. This results in a lower yield boost because your new lock duration is lower than your initial lock duration.


A user staked 112,642.99 VAN in fixed-term staking with an initial lock duration of 10 weeks on 31th August 2022, and 6 weeks later, the user decided to add 50 VAN to his locked balance.

1. Navigate to the VAN Pool and click Add VAN.

2. Select the amount of VAN you would like to add to your locked balance (for this example, we are adding 50 VAN which is our max wallet balance). Note that your yield boost is lower than the initial yield boost because it is calculated using a 4 week lock duration instead of the initial 10 week lock duration. 3. Double-check to make sure you are okay with the added VAN amount and the lock duration and click Confirm.

Last updated