How to Swap

  1. Go to Vanswap Main Page, the swap interface is on the right-hand side.

  2. Connect wallet

For knowledge on wallets, please go through the Wallet Guide section.


3. Choose the token you want to trade from the dropdown menu in the "From" and "To" sections. The token you choose from the "From" section is the one you would like to sell and the token you choose from the "To" section is the one you would like to buy (receive).

also, enter the amount you would like to swap, it will automatically calculate the token amount you will receive in the "To" section.

4. Click the "Swap" button

5. A window will pop up, check the trade details, and hit the "Confirm Swap" button.

Then, you will need to sign your wallet to process the trade. And, Done! your trade is confirmed on the Vision Blockchain!

Last updated